The 7 Hobbits of Highly Effective People

January 4th, 2014
My work as a drama therapist involves frequent travel through lands of the imagination. Like the heroes of Middle Earth, the clients I work with have monsters to be vanquished, allies to be discovered, losses to be mourned, and power to be regained. This last one is perhaps most important, because all of this playful storytelling is about reconnecting people with their power to make meaning, solve problems, and form new mental connections. The joys found in discovering and sharing stories are essential components of mental health.
Like many fictional characters, the Hobbits that populate the stories of J. R. R. Tolkien, have more to them than we initially see. Hobbits might just exemplify habits of thought and behavior that contribute to the perception of success, as popularized in books like Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." What you find in these creations may differ from what I observe here. The point is to mull it over and see what may be discovered anew and applied to your own experience.
1st Hobbit: The Trailblazer – Belladonna Took. The adventurous Took sisters are the roots of the family tree that grew and inspired the Hobbit heroes we know and love. There would likely be no Hobbits to take up the adventure without Belladonna – her reputation as a great adventurer was known to the wizard Gandalf, providing him the example of what Hobbits are capable of, and she gave birth to Bilbo and provided him with the example of bravery and adventure. The trailblazer sets an example to others without realizing it – by defying convention if necessary to follow the heart’s yearning.
2nd Hobbit: The One who Opens the Door when Opportunity Knocks- Bilbo Baggins. Despite his reluctance, this son of Belladonna Took is willing to open his door to strangers, to venture out to experience something new. This open -mindedness to new experiences propels Bilbo to great accomplishments. While it seems that Bilbo has no idea of what will happen to him next, he continues to deal with what is right in front of him. Through his unintentional adventures he is sometimes lucky, but often ingenious, as he takes on, solves and survives each new challenge in order to get ‘there and back again”.
3rd Hobbit: The Sufferer for a Cause – Frodo Baggins. Frodo puts his responsibilities first and foremost. He is bearer of a great and terrible ring of power but he continually rejects its temptation and stays on a course to destroy it, no matter what it costs him. Frodo does not wish to suffer injury, bear affliction or wounds, nor does he wish to endure illness or trauma but he is willing to all of this if it is necessary to preserve the freedom and safety of others.
4th Hobbit: The Curious Optimist – Peregrine Took, also known as Pippin. His curious and generous spirit about everyone and everything leads him to befriend and seek the best possible outcome for all. Pippin accompanies his friends, Frodo and Sam into danger without a second thought. His winning spirit also motivates an army of trees (called Ents) to march in common cause, and inspires a force of 100 of his fellow Tooks to follow him. Pippin seeks mutual benefit, and a perpetual supply of food and drink, for himself and others.
5th Hobbit: The Loyal Ally - Meriadoc Bandybuck, also known as Merry. Merry may be known for his oversized appetite, but he will also be at your side when trouble comes, no matter how fierce. Merry doesn’t need to know how you’re going going to win the battle or solve the problem, he’ll support you because he trusts you. He brings people together and helps bring out their best, against all obstacles.
6th Hobbit: The Constant Gardener – Samwise Gamgee. Sam is a gardener. He tends to others, tries to make sure his friends are well-supplied and nurtured. But he is also the stubborn stone upon which they must sharpen their own purpose and resolve, for Sam is also the kind of friend who will challenge you and will never let up, or give up, on you. When he gives his love, whether to his friend Frodo or his sweetheart Rosie, he is steadfast, true, and unshakeable.
7th Hobbit: The Keeper of the Hearth Fires - Rosie Cotton . I hope you have been able to play the part of the person who keeps the home hearth fires burning for a loved one as he or she does what they must on their own journey of life. It is an extremely rewarding and necessary role. Rosie is an enormous part of the reason Sam can succeed, as his thoughts of her keep him going during his darkest times. I hope you are fortunate enough to know, or have known, someone to play that role for you - the Rosie that will ensure that you feel loved and supported on whatever journeys you take and whatever and struggles you must endure.
Hobbits live. They eat far more meals in a day than is possible for us mere humans. They hold a great number of celebrations to mark all kinds of occasions. They always seem to have a bit of something to share - be it food or a song or a story. So as you go on your way, be sure to pack along a few songs and stories for the trip, bring some paper to scribble some notes or sketch a little, and when you get the opportunity – dance.