Private Instruction
Master's of Arts in Piano and Piano performance and Pedagogy, Music Academy at the University of Sarajevo
Bachelor degree in Piano, Music Academy at the University of Sarajevo
Ms. Cvijovic is an internationally celebrated solo and chamber music performer
When it comes to teaching, I never give up on my students. Everyone has their talents and strengths.
Adjudicator for numerous music competitions
MTNA member
An active participant in many piano seminars and music conferences
She has also been honored with first-place awards in international piano competitions
Taught a student who was accepted into the Interlochen Arts Competition
Has a French film made about her work with piano students during the war in Bosnia
For nearly a decade, she served as the piano department head at Bosnia-Herzegovina Music School Mladen Pozajic
Piano instructor for nearly a hundred piano students who frequently performed in public and private recitals
Interests/hobbies outside of music:
Photography is my hobby.
Most memorable musical moment:
Rostropovich conducting CSO and his student playing cello.
What does music mean to you:
Music is way to express myself and my feelings.