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Attend the first MIC Suzuki Practice Cafe Discussion Group!




Practice Café is an ongoing conversation for parents and practice partners.

Practice Café participants will have weekly homework (10 minutes of reading or watching a Parents as Partners video selection) followed up with in-person

discussions where we create new practice possibilities.


Here’s how to sign up:


1) Use this link to register and access the online video library: (No time for videos? That’s okay. Audio “podcast style” versions are also available!).


2) Email Sarah Montzka at to receive weekly assignments and a curated video list.


3) Mark your calendar and attend our first Practice Café discussion group on Sunday, February 23, 2020 from 7:00 to 8:00 PM (Winnetka campus, Room 108).


Please note the online Parents as Partners video library requires a one-time fee of $30 (or check with your studio teacher about the reduced rate for studio participation).

The MIC Practice Café discussion group is free for Suzuki program families.

Sign up and and transform your practice dynamic today!