MIC Suzuki Faculty Awarded SAA Certificates of Achievement

March 4th, 2013
Congratulations to Meret Bitticks, flute, Blake Brasch, cello, Reagan Brasch, violin, Abbey Hansen, cello and Sarah Montzka, viola who were awarded the Suzuki Association of the Americas Certificate of Achievement. The certificate recognizes Suzuki teachers who possess a commitment to life‐long learning, self‐improvement and excellence.
The Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) is committed to excellence in teaching and to establishing standards within the framework of the Suzuki philosophy. Recognizing teachers with a commitment to life‐long learning and self‐improvement is part of SAA’s commitment to excellence. The application process was developed within the framework of the Suzuki philosophy and was designed to encourage self‐evaluation and professional growth. Applicants must prepare a written statement of commitment to the SAA's aspirational code of ethics as well as video recordings of teaching segments and student performances. Additional requirements include a minimum of three years of experience as a Suzuki instructor, membership in the SAA and specified teacher development courses.