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Roland & Almita Vamos News

Roland & Almita Vamos News

Roland Vamos and Almita Vamos venture around
the World - Performance and Teaching News

On Friday, September 4th, Music Institute faculty members, Roland Vamos and Almita Vamos performed with the Sichuan Orchestra at the Chengdu Pride Concert Hall, Chengdu, China.  Roland Vamos conducted an all Brahms program, including the Brahms Double, featuring Almita Vamos and Robert deMaine.  Robert deMaine is the first cellist of the LA Philharmonic.

For the week of January 7-13, 2016, Roland and Almita Vamos have been invited to teach in Oslo, Norway.

On Friday, April 1, 2016 at Chicago's Symphony Center, Almita will play the Brahms Double with Chicago Symphony Orchestra member and fellow Music Institute faculty member, Richard Hirschl, cello (pictured above).